Hyperopia in Children: What Parents Need to Know about Their Kids’ Vision

Hyperopia in Children: What Parents Need to Know about Their Kids’ Vision

Hyperopia in Children: What Parents Need to Know about Their Kids’ Vision

Children with hyperopia do not see things near them clearly. This visual impairment can affect their learning, reading, and overall school performance. If your child does not do well at school, you might want to have their eyes checked.


What Is Hyperopia?


Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, is an eye-focusing disorder. Children with hyperopia will have difficulty seeing objects close to them, such as reading material, computer screens, and smartphones. But they will see distant objects clearly.

This vision disorder can be inherited. So, if you or someone in your family is farsighted, there is a high chance your kid will be as well. But genetics is only one factor that could cause this disorder. Malnutrition and diseases can also result in farsightedness.


What Are the Signs Your Child Is Farsighted?


It can be challenging to detect farsightedness in children, especially in younger ones who may not be able to communicate their visual problems effectively. In this case, pay attention to the following symptoms instead:

  • Squinting or closing one eye when looking at objects closely

  • Tilting their head to see better

  • Holding things close to their face to see them better

  • Complaints of headaches or eye strain after reading or doing close work

  • Difficulty reading or doing other close work

  • Difficulty with handwriting or other fine motor tasks that require visual attention

  • Dull pain in the eye

If you notice any of these signs in your child, schedule an eye exam with a licensed eye doctor. Early detection and treatment of farsightedness can help prevent vision problems and improve your child’s quality of life.


How Is Hyperopia Diagnosed?


A comprehensive eye exam by an optometrist or ophthalmologist can diagnose hyperopia in children. The exam may include the following:

  • Pediatric refraction test: This test measures how much light hits a child’s retina. The doctor may perform different types of refraction tests, like a computerized test, manual light reflex test, or a phoropter test.

  • Retinoscopy: This test involves shining a light into the eye and measuring how it reflects off the retina. It is quick, easy, and reliably accurate. It does not need much cooperation from the kid.

  • Pupil dilation: This test involves using eye drops to dilate the pupils and examine the inside of the eye, including the retina and optic nerve

These tests can also help determine the appropriate treatment, including eyeglasses, contact lenses, or vision therapy.


Should You Be Worried?


Most children are farsighted early in life. In many cases, they do not need treatment because the condition gets better as the children get older. Their eyes adjust to make up for the eye problem. However, it is always better to err on the side of caution and have your kids’ condition checked.

Children should be screened for an eye condition at six months old, three years old, before their first grade, and every two years during their school years. You can visit a pediatrician, optometrist, ophthalmologist, or trained screener. By doing so, eye professionals can detect and correct any vision problems early on.

For comprehensive eye tests, you can count on Gregg Family Eye Care. Visit our offices in Secane or North Wales, Pennsylvania, or call us at (610) 831-4300 or (215) 699-2020. You may also request an appointment online.

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